
  • How to request warranty (return, repair and refund)

    If your item has an issue, please first submit a ticket to our Support Center

    Please carefully follow our warranty process to minimize any delays: 1. Describe the problem with your item in detail: What happened? When? How? Please also state your full order number and product code (SKU number).
    2. Tell us what steps you have already taken to resolve the issue.
    3. Provide the item code indicated on the outer packaging.
    4. Send a clear photo or video showing the defect(s); these should be taken under good lighting.
    NOTE: Photos/videos should ideally be clear and focused, taken under good lighting conditions, and from a close to medium distance. This allows us to identify and verify the issue(s). We will always do our very best to help you. Thank you in advance for providing all the information stated above.

    Missing item(s), wrong item(s) or incorrect package sent

    Please be sure to open the parcel and carefully check the contents before signing for the package.
    For any issues, please carefully follow our warranty process to minimize any delays:
    1. Contact our Support Center with your order number and the product code (SKU number).
    2. Please send us a clear picture of the outer packaging, all shipping labels visible, and (if applicable) the item received.

    Possible Solutions:
    - If there is a item missing, we will resend the missing item/accessory for free within the warranty period.
    - If we have shipped the wrong item: we will either refund you in full or dispatch an alternative item (if applicable and available). GearBest will decide whether you need to return the wrong product or not and compensate the return shipping fee when we receive it.

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